It’s decided. Drumroll, please. My word for 2021 is…REVOLUTION!
My New Year’s “Revolution,” if you will. Thanks, D. Lol!
How shall I go forth, into this New Year, my new word in hand? I could tuck it under my arm like I do most things, but that seems wholly inappropriate. I will clench it in my fist and raise it high in defiance. A revolution demands we discard (whether violently or softly) what no longer works – all those things that feed and give rise to Revolution;
- Involute
- Virulent
- Overtoil
- Revolt
- Violent
- Rot
This defiance begs us to challenge, both personally and collectively, old ways of thinking, convention, age-old beliefs, systems, and processes. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is what it seems. Â
Question it All.
Some will hold the muster and prove to be a treasure. Much, I suspect, will crumble under the scrutiny;
- Outlier
- Volution
- Unveil
- Unroot
- Orient
- Retool
I will cloak myself in this word for all it promises as well – for all the power found in Revolution;
- Evolution
- Uniter
- Virtue
- True
- Love
How will you greet 2021?
It matters not whether you plan to greet it with a whisper or a roar. Either way, be heard. I’d love to know, what will be your word?