I’ve always had stories in my head which have held fascination for me. My own introspection has always led me down the path of connections and what those in my life mean to me. What they teach me, as well as all the joy and pain that they bring.
As I went about the business of my life, raising my family, pursuing a business degree, achieving a modicum of success as an Accountant and Financial Manager, life’s experiences were always bringing to the fore that these stories, should I waste any more time, would go to the grave with me and then what would have been the point?
These imaginings, they must mean something, right?
There has always been growth, realization and healing for me in these stories. The works of others, I’ve soaked up with voracity where their messages of healing resonated.
The particulars of my own stories root mostly in familial connections. I have always had an interest in our family’s genealogy and the history there. I truly believe these are the undercurrents, the pulsing in our cells that is ancestral drive. They also provide an unbelievable host of characters, such wonderful fodder for story telling!
True to my Gemini nature, as a communicator and dispenser of information, I finally turned a corner, deciding reception be damned! I needed to extract these stories from my imagination and to an audience before they are lost. Even if the only audience are those closest in my circle, for whom the references have specific meaning. But more hopefully, these stories will resonate with an even larger audience. Those yearning, as I often do, to hear the musings of others that support and validate their own journey.
Feel free to visit each of our corners.  This is our family, each with our individual talents and unique perspectives and plenty of opinions to be sure! We surely hope you find some inspiration in the content we feel compelled to share.